R programming basics

In this topic you will learn the basic operations of this popular open source language. You will also learn to perform simple algebraic operations on vectors and matrices. You will also learn about data frames, conditional statements, loops, and functions to power your R code, making your work more efficient and elegant.

Arithmetic and Variable Assignment

Arithmetic Operations

One of the simplest thing that you can do with R is to use it as a calculator. Here are some common arithmetic operations:

  • Addition: +
  • Subtraction: -
  • Multiplication: *
  • Division: /
  • Exponentiation: ^
  • Modulo: %%

The ^ operator raises the number to its left to the power of the number to its right. For example, if you enter 2^3, you will get the answer of 2 to the power 3, which is 8.

The %% operator gives the remainder of the division of the number to the left by the number on its right. For example, if you enter 7 %% 3, you will get the answer of 7 modulo 3 (7 = 3*2 + 1), which is 1.

Note that you can add comment to your code using the # symbol. This is helpful when you want to take notes as you go, so that you can follow your R code when you come back to revise in a few weeks time!

Variable Assignment

A basic concept in programming is called a variable. A variable allows you to store a value (e.g. 8) or an object (e.g. a piece of string) in R. You can then later use this variable’s name to easily access the value or the object that is stored within this variable.

We can assign the result of our arithmetic operations (which is a value), for instance, 2^3 to a variable named my_result using the following command: my_result <- 2^3

Now when you evaluate the value of the variable my_reuslt, you will get the value of 8.

Your turn!

Now it’s your turn to try variable assignment and some simple arithmetic operations in R!

Hint: Let’s say you would like to assign the result of summing from 1 to 5 to a variable named sum_to_five. You can do: sum_to_five <- 1+2+3+4+5

Now if you would like to divide sum_to_five by 5 and assign the result to average, you can do: average <- sum_to_five/5


Basic Data Types in R

Basic Data Types in R

There are numerous data types in R. Here are some of the basic ones:

  • numerics: numerical values
  • logical: boolean values (TRUE or FALSE)
  • characters: String (a piece of text) like ‘some text’ or “some text”. Note that we use quotation marks to indicate if a value is a string.

Checking the data types

You can check the data type of a variable with the class() function. This is a useful function since often you need matching data types when you perform operations in R. For example, you will get an error message if you try to evaluate 5 + "6".

More on numerics: Integer vs Double

The two most common numeric classes are “integer” and “double” (for double precision floating point numbers). “Integers” are whole numbers like 7. “Double” are decimal values like 5.217. R uses double precision numeric values by default.

db_var <- 7
[1] "numeric"

To create integer values, you can add L after the number.

int_var <- 7L
[1] "integer"
Your turn!

Play around with different variable types!

Hint: Replace the values in the R code with values that are provided in the instructions (the line with the comment #). For example, weather <- "sunny" assigns the string “sunny” to the variable weather.


Missing Values

There are several special values in R, including NA, NaN, and Inf.


NA (short for ‘Not Available’), is a logical constant of length 1 which contains a missing value indicator. We use NA to replace an entry of a vector when such value is unknown or missing. There are different types of NA for different class, including NA_integer_, NA_real_, NA_complex_ and NA_character_. NA_integer is of the integer class and so on.

Most operations on an NA becomes an NA. For instance,

x <- c(1, 2, NA, 4)
[1] NA

However, there is an exception - when we use the paste() function to concatenate NA with other strings. The operation will be performed with the NA.

some_string <- c("Apple","Banana", NA, "Orange")
paste(some_string, " is good for you.")
[1] "Apple  is good for you."  "Banana  is good for you."
[3] "NA  is good for you."     "Orange  is good for you."

We can use is.na() to test if a values is NA. The function is.na(x) returns a boolean vector of the same size as x with value TRUE if the corresponding element in x is NA.



NaN (short for ‘Not A Number’) is for arithmetic purposes. NaN usually comes from arithmetic operations that create undefined values such as 0/0, hence NaN is numeric. You can also use is.na() to check if a value is NaN.

y <- c(4, 0/0, 3,5)


Inf (short for Infinite), like NaN, also stems from numerical operations and thus is of numeric class. It usually comes operations like 1/0 where the result is a very very large number (larger than other numeric). Note that Inf is not a type of NA. You can use is.infinite() to check if a value is Inf.

[1] TRUE


Nothing here (yet)!


Your turn!

Consider the following matrices S and T:

\[S = \begin{bmatrix}1&0\\0&1\end{bmatrix}, T = \begin{bmatrix}2&2\\4&3\end{bmatrix}\]

  • Construct a matrix M by stacking S on top of T. Assign your result to the variable M_mat.

  • Select a sub-matrix of M with the data on the rows 1, 2, 3 and columns 2. Assign the result to the variable part_of_M.

Hint 1: To stack one matrix on top of another, we can use the rbind() command. Hint 2: For example, B[1,2] selects the element at the first row and second column of matrix B. B[1:3,2:4] results in a matrix with the data on the rows 1, 2, 3 and columns 2, 3, 4.


Data Frames

Data Frames

A data frame has the variables of a dataset as columns and the observations as rows.

Your turn!

Let’s look at an example. Just run the code and you will see what a data frame looks like in R.

Hint: Simply run the code!


The iris data set gives the measurements in centimeters of the variables sepal length, sepal width, petal length and petal width, respectively, for 50 flowers from each of 3 species of iris. The species are Iris setosa, versicolor, and virginica.

Quick Look at the Data Frame

Often it is useful to show only a small part of the entire dataset, especially when we are working with very big data set where showing the entire dataset is not easy. Here are a few useful commands that helps you understand the data frame very quickly.

  • head() shows the first few observations of a data frame.
  • tail() shows the last few observations of a data frame.
  • str() shows the structure of the dataset.
Your turn!

Investigate the structure of the example dataframe. Have a look at the first and last few observations!

Hint: Try head(df).


Creating Data Frame

You can construct your own data frame using data that you have with the data.frame() function. You can include different vectors as argument in the function and they will become different columns of your data frame. Note that you should make sure the vectors that you pass have same length (i.e. same number of observations for each column).

Your turn

Create a data frame using vectors symbol, element, chemical_group and atomic_no, following that order. Assign the result data frame to first_ten_elements.

Hint: Use the data.frame() function on the vectors.


Indexing, Selecting Columns and Subset

Similar to vectors and matrices, you select elements from a data frame using square brackets [ ].

  • For example, if you would like to select row 2 to 4 and column 3 to 5 from a data frame called my_df, you can do my_df[2:4, 3:5].
  • When you want to select the entire first row of a data frame, you can use `my_df[1, ]
  • When you want to select the entire first column of a data frame, you can use my_df[,1]

Note that when you select a single column (e.g. my_df[,1]), it turns into a vector. If you would like it to remain as a data frame, you can use my_df[, 1, drop = FALSE].

Alternatively, if you would like to select a certain variable from the data frame, you can use the column name in the square bracket directly or use $ instead: my_df[ , "column_name"] or my_df$column_name.


Sometimes we may want to sort the data according to a certain variable in the dataset. In R, we can use the order() function which gives the ranked position of each element when it is applied on a variable. For example,

x <- c(100, -200,300)
[1] 2 1 3

The output above is the ranked positions and we can use that to sort the vector x.

[1] -200  100  300

The above R code gives an ordered version of x.

Now that we know how to use the order(), let’s sort the first_ten_element data frame in ascending order of atomic_no, assign the sorted dataframe to sorted_df.

Your turn

Complete the code below to complete the tasks indicated in the comments.

Hint: Use order(first_ten_elements$atomic_no) to create positions. Then, use ‘positions’ with square brackets: first_ten_elements[...]; can you fill in the …? Do not forget that ‘positions’ indicates the order of the rows in the data frame.


Check Your Understanding on Conditional Statements

Consider the following syntax:

if (x < 50) {
  if (x < 20) {
    result <- "Low to None"
  } else {
    result <- "Low"
} else if (x == 100) {
  result <- "Full"
} else {
  result <- "High"

Take a look at the following statements:

  1. If x is set to 75, “High” gets printed to the console.

  2. If x is set to 18, “Low” gets printed to the console.

  3. If x is set to 100, R prints out “Full”

  4. If x is set to 21, “Low” gets printed to the console.

Select the option that lists all the true statements.


In data analytics, often we need to perform the same operation repeatedly on the data and loops can come in handy on these occasions. There are 2 types of loops: - The ‘for loop’ is designed to iterate over all elements in a sequence - The ‘while loop’ is designed to repeat the operations until certain condition is satisfied

For loops

A simple for loop in R looks like this:

sequence <- c(1,3,5)
for (i in sequence) {
[1] 1
[1] 3
[1] 5

Here, we first defined a vector called sequence, then for every \(i\) in sequence, we print the value of \(i\). From the output, you can see from the output that each element i in the sequence was printed in each iteration.

The same loop can be written in another way:

sequence <- c(1,3,5)
for (i in 1:length(sequence)) {
[1] 1
[1] 3
[1] 5

In the R code above, we use the length() function to measure the length/size of sequence, i.e. 3. Then we construct a for loop where \(i\) iterates from 1 to 3, inside the for loop i represents the index of the sequence and putting the index inside the square brackets allows us to select the \(i\)th element from sequence.

Your turn: write your first loop!

Write a for loop that takes the nominal GDP (in trillion) for each country in 2017 and divided it by the population (in million) in the same year. Assign the result to the variable my_result.

Hint: To extract the i-th element of nominalGDP_trilion_2017, you can use nominalGDP_trilion_2017[i]. You can extract the i-th element of population_million_2017 using square bracket as well.


We can do a lot more than when we use for loop together with the control flow statements (if, else if, else) we learnt before. For example,

customer_rating <- c(2,3,1,5,5,5)

for (rating in customer_rating) {
  if (rating >= 4) {
  print('Happy Customer!')
  } else if (rating <= 2) {
  print('Angry Customer!')
  } else {
  print('Neutral Customer!')
[1] "Angry Customer!"
[1] "Neutral Customer!"
[1] "Angry Customer!"
[1] "Happy Customer!"
[1] "Happy Customer!"
[1] "Happy Customer!"

The R code above prints different messages depending on the values in customer_rating.

Check your understanding

Consider the following syntax:

for (result in student_result) {
  if (result >= 79 & result < 99) {
  } else if (result < 50) {
  print('Try again!')
  } else if (result >= 99) {
  } else {
  print('Well done!')

Here is the output from the above syntax after we have defined a vector variable student_result.

[1] "Superb!"
[1] "Well done!"
[1] "Try again!"
[1] "Perfect!"
[1] "Well done!"
[1] "Superb!"

Based on the output from the for-loop, which of the following is student_result?

cat(mc_opts("<code>student_result <- c(99,77,35,97,67,85)</code>" ="Try again! Copy the code and try it with some numbers in R!",
         "<code>student_result <- c(77,99,35,97,67,85)</code>" ="Try again! Copy the code and try it with some numbers in R!",
         "<code>student_result <- c(97,77,35,99,67,85)</code>" = "That's correct!",
         "<code>student_result <- c(100,77,35,99,67,85)</code>"="Try again! Copy the code and try it with some numbers in R!",
         correct = 3))

While loops

A while loop in R has the following structure:

while (condition) {

In the while loop, R will keep running the code between the brackets { } repeated until the condition become FALSE at some point during the execution. If the condition is never changed, the while loop will go on indefinitely.

For example, we create a while loop that will go on subtracting 28.5 (as weekly_spending) to the variable bank_balance until bank_balance is less than weekly_spending. If you execute the R code, you will notice the loop stopped at the 7th iteration.

bank_balance <- 200
weekly_spending <- 28.5
while (bank_balance >= weekly_spending) {
  bank_balance = bank_balance - weekly_spending
[1] 171.5
[1] 143
[1] 114.5
[1] 86
[1] 57.5
[1] 29
[1] 0.5

Break statement

There are occasions where breaking the loop during execution is a good idea. The break statement can be used in for loops and while loops.

For example, if we are to set up a early warning system when bank_balance is less than or equal to 4 times weekly spending, we can do the following:

bank_balance <- 200
weekly_spending <- 28.5
while (bank_balance>= weekly_spending) {
  bank_balance <- bank_balance - weekly_spending
  if (bank_balance <= 4*weekly_spending){
    print("Find a job and cut weekly spending!")
[1] 171.5
[1] 143
[1] 114.5
[1] 86
[1] "Find a job and cut weekly spending!"


Functions are an extremely important concept in almost every programming language, including R! You can think of functions as a black box: you give some values as an input, the function processes this input and generates an output. In R, the function arguments are matched by position or by name. You can set a default value for some function arguments, and you can overwrite the default value when you need to.

Here is a simple skeleton of a function in R:

my_fun_name <- function(arg1, arg2) {

The keyword function tells R you are defining a function. The arguments in the parentheses ( ) are the input of your function, the inputs can be data and parameters. The operations that you want to perform (the body) should be written inside the curly brackets { }.

Finally, you assign the function defining statement and body to the variable my_fun_name, which is the name of your function. To call (use) the function, you will need to enter my_fun_name(arg1, arg2) in your code after you defined the function.

Your turn: write your own function!

Create a function power_three(): it takes one argument and returns that number cubed (that number times itself and times itself again). Call this newly defined function with 12 as input.


It is also possible to run a function without an input argument.

In the following example, the function will print the statement “Hello World!” when the function is called without any inputs.

hello_world <- function(){
  print('Hello World!')

This can also be useful sometimes when we would like to have random outcomes from the function. The sample() function comes in handy when we would like to draw a number from a particular range of values.

For example:

flip_a_coin <- function(){
  outcome <- sample(1:2, size = 1)
  if (outcome == 1) {
    print("Head")} else {
      print("Tail") }

#Flip the coin the first time
[1] "Head"
#Flip the coin second time
[1] "Head"
#Flip the coin once again
[1] "Head"

You will get a different outcome (“Head” or “Tail”) every time when you call the function flip_a_coin.

Your turn: Write your code to roll a die!

Write a function that takes no input argument and return a random outcome choosing from 1 to 6, just like rolling a die in R. Name that function roll_a_die.

Hint: You can obtain a random integer from 1 to 6 using sample(1:6, size = 1). Have you try putting that in the function body?


Function Scoping

Note that variables that are defined inside a function are not accessible outside that function. Variables we use inside a function are considered as local variables, which are different from variables that are designed outside of the function (global variables).

Congratulations! This is the end of R Programming Basics! Here is a useful cheat sheet from the Institute for Quantitative Social Science at Harvard University that summarize introductory R commands nicely: https://iqss.github.io/dss-workshops/R/Rintro/base-r-cheat-sheet.pdf